主要是通过对网页代码、文字内容及外部链接的调整来使其在各大引擎中得到良好的识别。3. SEO内容制作:
1. 网站优化:网站优化是SEO的核心内容,主要是通过对网页代码、文字内容及外部链接的调整来使其在各大引擎中得到良好的识别。常用手法如title标题修正、meta栏目信息补充及keywords/description加工,令引 搜索引 搜能准 利 返回佳 之 结。
2. 高质量外部连: 大量而且不吝惜地去寻找并深度参与影响力大或者流行性很旺盛的博客或者问答平台上, 和人气作者一起留意新闻, 也就是说要将你想要传递出去的信 消 连 子 , 通通都告诉Google!3. SEO内容制作: SEO内容不仅要有独特性(Unique)而且也应当具备真正意义上”好” (Good) 的物理性胜过 ”便” (Cheap).4. Sitemaps生成 : sitemaps 本来就是 Google Webmaster Tools 中显然没有遗留出来 .xml file -> robots .txt ->sitemap index->sitemap page5. Robots协议 : robot protocol 本杤甲方便 search engine crawler / spider / bot to understand which pages should be indexed and which not6.. Canonicalization & 301 Redirections : canonicalization is the process of picking the best url when there are several choices7.. Link Building Strategies & Techniques: link building strategies and techniques help you build quality links from other websites that will increase your website's ranking in SERPs8.. Social Media Optimization ( SMO ) : social media optimization helps you create content that can easily be shared on various social networks9.. Analytics Tracking Setup & Monitoring Results: analytics tracking setup allows webmasters to track their visitors' activities on their website10 .. Search Engine Submission And Indexing Processes.: submitting a site or webpage to a search engine like google for inclusion into its database is known as indexing