The web server must be stable
We may say, our web site keywords ranking in the beginning of that server, why now ranking up also said server stability, in fact, stability for a server whenever is crucial, it is the core, the soul of a web site, once the site server instability phenomenon, so the site is likely to be down right, this is many webmaster meet things; so that the server stability can not be ignored, is the priority among priorities;
The stability of the content on the website
When the website ranking up, still need to website content update, add the content of the website because it is website of the carrier. Beijing website stationmaster here to remind : the number of site article can reduce, but not for a long time, update time stop, play three days is what we often say that the fishing nets drying for two days, this is not friendly for spiders crawl;
The stability of the site outside the chain
When the site to get good rankings at the same time, we must put the chain construction own slow, steady, every day some, avoid excessive optimization, only need to be stable enough;
Stability of the website chain
When your web site to get good rankings, can go to the peer site exchange links, improve the site's weight, exchange too many links to avoid short time, to avoid the drop right.
The stability of the site structure
When your site to get good rankings, don't use the technique of cheating to optimize your site, at the same time, don't make snap change the site keywords, description, structure, this will only make your site all the doomed eternally.
Site excessive optimization
Some people, see the website has a good ranking. Also insisted on done in one vigorous effort, want to let site in the search engine trust, continuously for the website optimization, UEO marketing type website construction webmaster remind: website ranking maintenance is a long-term process, the site can end when, so maintenance until the end.